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An Early Baby Shower Present Request
If any of my metal-working artist friends are reading this, you must, must, must think about making me a knock-off of one of these John Knott’s airstream pramulators and presenting it to me at our baby shower. That way everyone will know that our kid is already living in the (rather retro) future.
WoW! Holy Jesus!!! I want one of those for myself!!! Seriously, I would hire a someone to push me around all day in it. Like a rickshaw driver. That is some crazy fierce wheels.
WoW! Holy Jesus!!! I want one of those for myself!!! Seriously, I would hire a someone to push me around all day in it. Like a rickshaw driver. That is some crazy fierce wheels.
WoW! Holy Jesus!!! I want one of those for myself!!! Seriously, I would hire a someone to push me around all day in it. Like a rickshaw driver. That is some crazy fierce wheels.
How your baby learned to stop worrying and love the bomb hehehe That’s great
How your baby learned to stop worrying and love the bomb hehehe That’s great
How your baby learned to stop worrying and love the bomb hehehe That’s great
Hmm, on a sunny day I think it’d work well as a toaster oven!
Hmm, on a sunny day I think it’d work well as a toaster oven!
Hmm, on a sunny day I think it’d work well as a toaster oven!
That is one heavy metal baby.
That is one heavy metal baby.
That is one heavy metal baby.
I have this image of you barreling your way through the crowds at Disneyland with that thing (complicated by the fact that you’re already pretty pissed to be at Disney to begin with!).
I have this image of you barreling your way through the crowds at Disneyland with that thing (complicated by the fact that you’re already pretty pissed to be at Disney to begin with!).
I have this image of you barreling your way through the crowds at Disneyland with that thing (complicated by the fact that you’re already pretty pissed to be at Disney to begin with!).
I don’t think it wold be to safe for our kid
I don’t think it wold be to safe for our kid
I don’t think it wold be to safe for our kid
Okay, I had planned to of course purchase the stroller/car seat as you and CH did for your baby. But Jesus, I just could NOT bring myself to buy that! Really?!?
Okay, I had planned to of course purchase the stroller/car seat as you and CH did for your baby. But Jesus, I just could NOT bring myself to buy that! Really?!?
Okay, I had planned to of course purchase the stroller/car seat as you and CH did for your baby. But Jesus, I just could NOT bring myself to buy that! Really?!?
MAybe if you were BFFs with TomKat, they’d get it for you, but ya know, it would have that whole Scientology subtext to it!
MAybe if you were BFFs with TomKat, they’d get it for you, but ya know, it would have that whole Scientology subtext to it!
MAybe if you were BFFs with TomKat, they’d get it for you, but ya know, it would have that whole Scientology subtext to it!
I think I can make that.
I think I can make that.
I think I can make that.