Buy Me This: Retro Ranch Cool

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Buy Me This: Retro Ranch Cool

a blogumn by CH


With a baby on the way etc and I are thinking about moving to the burbs. Well Altadena … etc and I argue about whether it’s a suburb of L.A. or a town that L.A. just grew around.

Anyway what we are finding is a lot of California style ranch homes that need some work. I love the idea of bringing one of these 1950s beauties back to their original level of coolness. I’ve been doing some research online about it and have found a bunch of great sites that I want to share with you. And over the next few weeks,  I’ll go through what I like one room at a time.

This week let’s talk about the kitchen. 

Retro Renovations has great stuff and tons of links, so it’s a great place to do research. I’m going to hit some highlights but this site is a awesome resource and there forums are about the coolest thing I have seen in years.

First you want some true 50’s cabinets and hardware. Steel cabinets were very big back then and some of the best ways to find used ones are here and here or you can always do a search on Ebay. [More 50s Kitchen must-haves after the jump.]


Reclaimed, refurbished and recycled aluminium English Rose and Paul Kitchens

If you want to spend the money for new cabinets you can go here


St Charles Cabinets

Hardware is very important and you can fix up the cabinets you have just by getting new hardware. Again for used hardware I would try Ebay, but for new you can go here or here

Saturn Cabinet Knob with Star Backplate

Saturn Cabinet Knob with Star Backplate

Second let’s talk about appliances. The 50s were the beginning of our love of kitchen gadgets, and you can still find many of the original items like these.

 Dishmaster Model M76

Dishmaster Model M76



Big Chill retro fridges

Big Chill retro fridges

Big Chill dishwasher combines the iconic look of a 50’s style retro dishwasher with all the modern amenities

Big Chill dishwasher combines the iconic look of a 50’s style retro dishwasher with all the modern amenities

Last you are going to need some 50’s flooring and countertops.

The Formica company relaunched many of it’s classic 1950’s patterns you can see them here.

Formica classics

Formica classics










AZROCK Vinyl Tile

AZROCK Vinyl Tille

Also you can still find authentic looking floor tile, and this is a great place to start looking.

I could go on with this. but for more info I would refer you back to Retro Renovations. The more I researched this article the more google kept sending me back to it.

Next time on “Buy Me This”: 50’s furniture.