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Chic Geek: The Beauty of Geekery
a blogumn by Delia Hauser
The other day, when I was researching my next article, I stumbled upon on a whole section of Etsy I stupidly haven’t even addressed yet. How dare I leave out those sellers that proudly list their wares under the category “geekery”?! Yes, that’s right; not JUST clothing, or jewelry, or gifts, or home décor, because it includes ALL of these things with a little nerdy spin. I mean, isn’t that what this very site is all about?
We geeks are different these days. Having a scientific mind, playing Dungeons and Dragons, or using an inhaler no longer defines the modern nerd. You can be a very stylish nerd, or an art nerd, or even a football watching WWE nerd. I recently met a lovely female nerd that has every sci-fi book and movie known to mankind AND she wears Prada. Her shoe collection was a sight for my sore eyes and her DVD collection for my boyfriend’s. You just never know, you know?
So, I explored this perfectly joyful section on Etsy for HOURS, and sifted through literally thousands of listings to find a little something for every kind of new millenium nerd. Check them out or go to Etsy and peruse “geekery” a little while for yourself. I’m sure that hundreds of wonderful things have been newly posted since I last looked. Meanwhile, all sorts of Geek Bling and Nerdy Things after the jump.
a. Majesty Inc. keychain fob – $6
b. Couch Objects necklace – $20
c. Happy Family robot bib – $5
d. Slevin 11 buttons – $2.50
e. KnitKnit crocheted electric cord – $
f. The Mymble’s Daughter necklace – $
g. Amy Jo’s Handmade electronics case – $5
h. Zaunick cufflinks ( – $70
i. Space Oddities button – $1.25
j. Ikyoto t-shirt – $15
k. Digibling necklace – $
l. Always Amy necklace – $12
m. Happy Family totes – $25
n. The Fakery Bakery 2 earrings – $7
o. Melissa Abram hair pins – $
p. Slevin 11 buttons – $12
a. Digital Soaps – $
b. Yummy Pancake plush toast – $
c. Pixel Party flowers – $30
d. Contexto notebook – $6
e. Samski Art embroidery – $40
f. Luck, Love and Hedgehogs Design crocheted sardines – $
g. Kawaii-neh! plush sushi – $59
h. Pink Felt Rage embroidery – $25
i. LilyPang Art & Design laptop vinyl – $
j. Visionary Savant sign -$14.99
k. Jinx Murphy Designs desk ornament – $6
l. Vortex cassette tape magnet – $8
m. Imotime clock – $25
n. Esta Sketch print – $52
o. Fiftyacorns crocheted cactus – $15
p. Bdbondy web cam – $35
q. Tiffany Ard flash cards – $
r. Same Old Stuff bumper sticker – $1
Want more geekery? Check out Delia’s Market Store Shoppe and use the below coupon for your purchase!
Awesome collection! Thanks for including my cactus!
I LOVE your cacti, Tara. It appeals to the lesser green thumbs.
Thanks Delia, for including my soaps!
I completely agree… I actually killed a cactus recently…and they always say that's impossible. Luckily, I have found a nursery that has a 100% guarantee for all plants and there are knit ones for people who don't have that luxury!
100 percent guarantee! You are so lucky. I'd put em out of business!
Awesome collection! Thanks for including my cactus!
I LOVE your cacti, Tara. It appeals to the lesser green thumbs.
Thanks Delia, for including my soaps!
I completely agree… I actually killed a cactus recently…and they always say that's impossible. Luckily, I have found a nursery that has a 100% guarantee for all plants and there are knit ones for people who don't have that luxury!
100 percent guarantee! You are so lucky. I'd put em out of business!
Okay, you KNEW I would have to get that Robot bib (c) for Betty as well as the geeky baby flash cards (q). Also, want to snag the gamer soap for CH (a – nerdy things) and the question necklace (f – geeky bling) for myself, as I have difficulty making decisions — also, I liked the laptop cover (i-nt) and the robot hair pins (o-gb). Basically this list hit all of my geeky sweet spots.
I was trying to channel you, Sallie and Clark when searching for things! And I included the baby stuff with hopes that you might get it for Betty! You should definitely check out all the stuff from Happy Family for the new baby (and yourself).
Okay, you KNEW I would have to get that Robot bib (c) for Betty as well as the geeky baby flash cards (q). Also, want to snag the gamer soap for CH (a – nerdy things) and the question necklace (f – geeky bling) for myself, as I have difficulty making decisions — also, I liked the laptop cover (i-nt) and the robot hair pins (o-gb). Basically this list hit all of my geeky sweet spots.
I was trying to channel you, Sallie and Clark when searching for things! And I included the baby stuff with hopes that you might get it for Betty! You should definitely check out all the stuff from Happy Family for the new baby (and yourself).
Oooooh THANK YOU for featuring my Nerdy flashcards. Every baby needs to know about keppler's laws and hydrogen bonding. :-)
Of course now I'm clicking and drooling over all the other awesome goodies in your list. Mmmm… robots…
Oooooh THANK YOU for featuring my Nerdy flashcards. Every baby needs to know about keppler's laws and hydrogen bonding. :-)
Of course now I'm clicking and drooling over all the other awesome goodies in your list. Mmmm… robots…
I love the flash cards that is the coolest baby thing ever. I also love the this is not a turtle painting on her site.
I think a good friend of yours is having a baby soon…hmm….interesting….
I love the flash cards that is the coolest baby thing ever. I also love the this is not a turtle painting on her site.
I think a good friend of yours is having a baby soon…hmm….interesting….
Oh thanks for the cacti love! I've, embarassingly, killed a few too many! So I started to crochet some that I couldn't kill! :-)
Oh thanks for the cacti love! I've, embarassingly, killed a few too many! So I started to crochet some that I couldn't kill! :-)
Wow! what a uber awesome collection of geekery! Thank you so much for including my Mr. toastee plush toast ^_^
Wow! what a uber awesome collection of geekery! Thank you so much for including my Mr. toastee plush toast ^_^
Thank you very much for including my humming bird laptop skin!
Thank you very much for including my humming bird laptop skin!
Hi,this is Easter Soldo,just discovered your Post on google and i must say this blog is great.may I share some of the article found in your website to my local buddies?i’m not sure and what you think?in any case,Thx!
Hi,this is Easter Soldo,just discovered your Post on google and i must say this blog is great.may I share some of the article found in your website to my local buddies?i’m not sure and what you think?in any case,Thx!