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Dear Thursday: Countdown to Torchwood

Confession: my TV taste has definitely gone down since this whole having a baby thing went down. The issue is that any TV is basically my savior, when I’m up at 3am, b/c  a certain somebody refuses to go to sleep. So I’ve ended up watching a lot of programs that I wouldn’t watch if it wasn’t a) late at night, b) summer, and c) a time of real desperation.

But in between guilty viewings of “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant,” (wonderfully bad) “Dance Yo Ass Off,” (trainwreck bad) “HawthoRNe” (simpering and bad) and “In Plain Sight” (actually quite good!), I’ve been holding on to my anticipation of one certain mini-series, that is SO close to being here.

Of course I’m talking about Torchwood. And the below trailer only makes me salivate more, since it features the two things that creep me out more than any other: apocalypses and English children.

Anyways, this is just a friendly (and nerdy) reminder to set your DVRs for July 20th, when the “Children of Earth” mini-series premieres on BBC America. Yea, Torchwood!