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Dear Thursday: Sorry! Sorry!
As many of you know my MIL moved in a couple of months ago for a change of pace and to help us with Betty. It’s been wonderful, and I’ve been able to get so much done. In fact, it’s been so wonderful, that I plum ole forgot that I simply can’t get as much work done when I am by myself with Betty.
Today has been one of those days. I had a fun post that I was planning to write, but then life got in the way and now the back-up babysitter is here and I only have 3 hours to reach today’s goal on my freelance project, so I’ve got to skip today’s column and also tomorrow’s Hello Friday — though I promised you last week that I wouldn’t.
Please forgive me. The MIL comes back next Tuesday and I’ll get my act together for Monday. I super-duper-promise. Til then please enjoy, Procrastinate on This!, Three Line Lunch, and Thought Chuck, which will definitely be posted at their regularly scheduled times.
Also, thanks for all the helpful purse advice. I’m not on the fence about whether to get something practical and big or the awesome (but expensive!) and big Cole Haan I’ve been stalking. What would you do? On one hand, I am a mom and I’ve never in my life paid more than $50 for a purse. On the other, my feet are permanently wider and I’m about 4 sizes bigger than I plan to be by this time next year. Should I get the one thing that still fits, even if it’s (let’s face it) ridiculously expensive?
My vote is for the Cole Haan. It's a nice, quality bag that is definitenly a signature piece you'll have for a long time.
And I found the one you like on for $250 less than Zappos:…
My vote is for the Cole Haan. It's a nice, quality bag that is definitenly a signature piece you'll have for a long time.
And I found the one you like on for $250 less than Zappos:…
umm, yes!
umm, yes!