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Don’t Make an Important Decision If… [Blogging on the ETC]

I’ve always wanted to be the decisive sort. To look at an issue, make a quick decision and then stand by it. Like those powerful businessmen that you’re always reading about in books.

But if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the course of my lifetime, it’s that I’m just not. Quick decisions often come back to bite me in the butt. And though I’ve striven (is that a word?) to figure out how to decide things faster, I most often find myself adding more DON’Ts to my already considerably long “don’t make an important decision if…” list. Here’s just a small sampling of that list:

1. Don’t make an important decision if you’re hungry.

2. Don’t make an important decision if you’re depressed.

3. Don’t make an important decision if you’re under three months or over six months pregnant.

4. Don’t make an important decision if you’re in a weirdly great mood.

5. Don’t make an important decision if you’re tired.

6. Don’t make an important decision if you’re not currently in your main time zone.

7. Don’t make an important decision it you’re angry.

8. Don’t make an important decision if you’re hurt.

9. Don’t make an important decision if you’ve had more than one drink — especially now that you’re over the age of 30.

10. Don’t make an important decision if you don’t have access to your iCalendar.

You think I’m joking, but I’m not. The truth is, I’ve learned more about making good decisions by discovering when not to make decisions. And I’m still not ever sure that I’m deciding right.

But how about you? How do you make decisions? And are you as decisive as you want to be?