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Fierce Foodie: Do Trifle With Me


a blogumn by Roya Hamadani

A good dessert is a lot like a hot date: good-looking, delicious and easy.  Three of my top choices are cake in all its myriad forms, pudding luscious pudding, and sweet ripe fruit.  Trifle is a dessert that manages not only to combine all three of my loves in an easy and foolproof form, but tops it all off with whipped cream to make it look pretty.  It’s genius. I have given here one of my favorite combinations, but half the fun of trifle is that it can be made with virtually any combination of cake or biscuit, pudding or custard, and fresh or frozen fruit.  Soaking the cake in sherry or other alcoholic beverage is completely optional, but often quite fun.  Especially if you can get a bunch of your friends together for a trifle party in which everyone brings their own combination to share with the group.  Ah yes, a mass quantity of liquor-laden desserts.  Some time before the guests succumb to sugar/ alcohol induced coma, a vote might be taken to award the tastiest or most creative trifle.  This one would get my vote.

Strawberry Banana Trifle

Recipe adapted from Cheri Sicard

Serves 10-12

1 Angel food cake

2 packets of vanilla pudding mix

1 lb. each of strawberries and bananas, fresh or frozen

½ cup sugar

1/3 cup sherry or other liquor (optional)

1 ½ Cups whipped topping

Additional fresh fruit for garnish

Prepare the pudding mix according to package instructions, and let cool completely.

Quarter the strawberries and slice the bananas into rounds.  If using frozen fruit, thaw it first.  Mix the sliced fruit with the sugar and the sherry if using, or water.

To prepare the trifle, use any large glass bowl or deep glass dish, or you can use a set of large wine goblets to make individual servings.

Cut the angel food cake into large chunks and cover the bottom of the dish with a layer of cake. Top with a layer of prepared fruit, then a layer of pudding.  Repeat the process until you are out of ingredients or the bowl is full. Top the trifle with whipped cream and garnish with reserved fresh fruit.  Refrigerate until serving time.  To serve, simply scoop out servings with a large spoon.

Kitty Trifles Credit: nullalux (click on pic for more info)