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File This Under: Cat Week at Fierce and Nerdy
Okay, weirdly enough, the same week that I recruited an awesome new blogger for a blogumn (really tentatively) titled “Woman and Dog,” all sorts of cat items are coming out of the woodworks.
If it’s Cats vs. Dogs, the cats are definitely winning, and perhaps none more so than this super-viral Japanese cutie.
Jeff and I have become obsessed with this cat! we've watched all the videos and just LOVE them!
Jeff and I have become obsessed with this cat! we've watched all the videos and just LOVE them!
Jeff and I have become obsessed with this cat! we've watched all the videos and just LOVE them!
I love how at 1:18 he finally realizes he can get up and walk around with his new wardrobe on. Makes me wanna YouTube my bosses cats while she's away, since they're always getting into so much trouble.
Shiba Inu puppies are up to right now. I think I'll go check…
I love how at 1:18 he finally realizes he can get up and walk around with his new wardrobe on. Makes me wanna YouTube my bosses cats while she's away, since they're always getting into so much trouble.
Shiba Inu puppies are up to right now. I think I'll go check…