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Guess the Random Lyric: Us=2 ETC=1
Now that’s more like it. We trailed behind Ernessa all last week, but this week — we take the lead! AmyQOTWF correctly guessed that yesterday’s lyric was from “Welcome to the Black Parade” by My Chemical Romance. Personally, I have never heard of that song, but, according to Amy, it’s a tune to add to your workout playlist. Watch the video below and see if you agree.
From Ernessa: Yea, it’s time for Soundtrack Wednesday. This song comes from a work that has the questionable honor of being on both my “Best Play” and “Worst Movie” lists.
You know love is a gift from up above.
Guesses in the comments and My Chemical Romance showing off their eyeliner after the jump:
Seasons of Love from Rent!
Agree – the show, great, the movie-not so much.
Also, Adam Pascal & Anthony Rapp are on tour with Rent right now. I kinda wanted to see it, but nothing can measure up to 2nd row Broadway back with the original run. It was an awesome time.
Seasons of Love from Rent!
Agree – the show, great, the movie-not so much.
Also, Adam Pascal & Anthony Rapp are on tour with Rent right now. I kinda wanted to see it, but nothing can measure up to 2nd row Broadway back with the original run. It was an awesome time.