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Guess the Random Lyric: Me=2 1/2; You=1 1/2

Okay no one guessed correctly that yesterday’s lyric was from “If You Asked Me To” as originally sung by Patti Labelle and later covered by Celine Dion, and now I’m set to win UNLESS you guys know today’s lyric. In that case, we’ll have to break the tie next week. So let’s see what happens today with 70s or 80s Friday.

I realize that I’ve featured a lot of Cheese-tastic songs this week, and this one just might be the cheesiest. 70s women-led guitar rock group remakes themselves into a 80s hair rock ballad band. They didn’t go on to chart in the 90s, but I do have to admit that I loved this song back in the day.

So we found this hotel,
It was a place I knew well
We made magic that night.
Oh, he did everything right

Guessses in the comments and I’ve put both versions of this song after the jump. Let me know which one you (would never admit that you) like better:

Patti Labelle:

Celine Dion: