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Guess the Random Lyric: Final Score: Me-3; You-1

So the only thing that allowed you to walk away from last week with any dignity at all was Amy from “Tall Drink of Nerd” guessing that Friday’s lyric was from “Let the Day Begin” by The Call. But happily, your one measly poaint was too little, too late, and I won the week.

Now I’ve got to go greet the mariachi band that I hired to help me celebrate my win. But before I do that, let’s roll out today’s Classic Monday lyric. We just had a nice visit with CH’s mother, and I’m expecting my father and stepmother to visit in August, and this next one is one of his favorites. It’s been covered a few times, but I’m looking for the singer with three names for this one.

The buzzard tried to throw the monkey off his back
But the monkey grabbed his neck and said– Now listen, Jack

Guesses in the comments, and The Call live and kind of blurry after the jump: