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Guess the Random Lyric: Me=1; You=0
Woo-hoo! No one guessed that yesterday’s lyric was from “No Matter What” from the Beauty and the Beast stage show. Next up in our Hidden Theme week, Random Tuesday.
I’ve no shame in saying that this is one of my favorite artists of the 80s — he is truly cheesetastic. And I thoroughly enjoyed this song from a 90s movie, which featured the 90s most famous lesbian.
On this journey that you’re making
There’ll be answers that you’ll seek
And it’s you who’ll climb the mountain
It’s you who’ll reach the peak
Guesses in the comments and Belle asks her father if she’s odd after the jump:
Oh good grief. Great minds think alike. I wish I'd seen this yesterday! I'd have had a decided head start.
Oh good grief. Great minds think alike. I wish I'd seen this yesterday! I'd have had a decided head start.
Yeah, when I saw your article, I was like, “Ooh, she’s going to be maaaad!”
Then I laughed evilly and rubbed my hands together. As you do.
Son of Man from Tarzan and it is sung by Phil Collins.
Son of Man from Tarzan and it is sung by Phil Collins.