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Guess the Random Lyric: Me=1; You=0

Oh-ho-ho. This is how I like to start off a themed (artists who started out in the church) week. No one hit on yesterday’s GtRL “I’ve Got a Woman” by Ray Charles, which was sampled for “Golddigger” by Kanye West. Nice!

Moving on to random Tuesday. This song has been covered by an embarrassing number of people. But I’m looking for the cover by the really, really Christian-based artist who divorced her first husband and married a country singer, whom she had dueted with earlier in her non-secular career. Half-point if you also name the country singer.

They took all the trees and put em in a tree museum
And then they charged all the people twenty-five bucks just to see em

Guesses in the comments, and I would like to point out that all of the Botanical Gardens I have been to throughout my lifetime — and it has been many since both my husband and my sister or BG freaks — are quite reasonably priced. Changing the lyric to twenty-five bucks was just someone being ridiculous. Anyway Kanye West’s remix on “I’ve Got a Woman” after the jump.