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Guess The Random Lyric: Today is Wednesday, Sept. 17th

So it looks like we have our first official lyric stumper. Yea! I thought it would never happen. In the future, if no one guesses correctly by 6pm PST, then I will repost with a clue. So next time check back after 6pm to see if you can guess the lyric with a clue.

Here’s your clue for yesterday: Which TWINS plaintively wailed

its love that leaves and breaks
the seal of always thinking you would be
real happy and healthy strong and calm

And if you still don’t know. Check the live performance video the find out who it is after the jump.

Now onto today’s lyric. If you don’t get this, I don’t even know you people.

Which intensely sad and creepy band’s female lead sang this in a particularly sad and creepy way:

All the stars may shine bright,
All the clouds may be white,
But when you smile,
Oh how I feel so good,
That I can hardly wait

Guesses in the comments. And we’ll go over the answer tomorrow.