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Guess the Random Lyric: You-1; Me-0
Apparently Angela G from Texas is a Babs fan, b/c she guessed quickly that yesterday’s lyric was from “You Don’t Bring Me Flowers Anymore” by Neil Diamond and Barbra Streisand — funnily the only Barbra duet I can stomach if you don’t count her version of “Hello Dolly” with Louie Armstrong. Well, hello Louie…
But we’re flipping to another decade for today’s GTRL from a band from a country that’s known for a certain kind of candy and whose citizens and business has made major gossip, business, and legal headlines as of late. Anyway, having been inundated with news from this country, I couldn’t help but think about this song:
how can a person like you bring me joy
Guesses in the comments, and Neil Diamond in a tux, and Babs in a fancy, pocketed jumpsuit after the break. And their both ACTING. They don’t make live performances like this anymore:
ace of base, i saw the sign. you'd think that'd be difficult since you only gave us one line, but unfortunately, i just listened to that song a couple weeks ago.
ace of base, i saw the sign. you'd think that'd be difficult since you only gave us one line, but unfortunately, i just listened to that song a couple weeks ago.
oh wow….it all comes flooding back to me…. oy vey
oh wow….it all comes flooding back to me…. oy vey