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Guess the Random Lyric: You-2; Me-1

Ah, nuts. Zacki from “Tall Glass of Shame” guessed correctly that yesterday’s lyric was from “Connection” by Elastica. Sniff.

Whatevs, let’s see if you can bring it today.

Yes, we’ve got yet another rap song that objectifies women today. You wonder how I can call myself a feminist and I answer, “A fit feminist because I’ve got this song in my gym mix.”

Yo, I’m the big booty type
I like ’em thick with they mind right
Banging personality, conversate when the time right

I, too, prefer a banging personality. Guesses in the comments, and Elastica after the jump. Strangely enough, I had completely forgotten about all the naked men in this video. So sad that they never fulfilled the promised of their debut album: