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Guess the Random Lyric: You-4; Me-1/2
So I was so scared that I was going to end the week w/o any points whatsoever. But luckily Sallie from Los Angeles forgot to list the title when she guessed that yesterday’s lyric was by Ludacris. The title was “Splash Waterfalls,” and I get half a point. Yes! I take what I can get…
But let’s see if I can squeeze a little more pointage out of this week.
You know your stripper from your paint
You know your sinner from your saint
Guesses in the comments, and Ludacris’s ode to really graphic S-E-X after the jump:
crap. i forgot to check back yesterday — and yes, i forgot the title. so take your half point, ernessa. cuz that's ALL you're gonna get this week…
when i was in highschool i often sat alone in my room listening to US and writing down the lyrics. (did anyone else do this? write down lyrics to songs as you listened to them? i guess that's what we did before there were sites like "" or whatever… or I was just a dorky kid.)
so luckily/embarrassingly, i got this one right away: Steam, Peter Gabriel.
Hahaha. I did that, too! And I'm betting that Zack from "Tall Glass of Shame" used to do it as well.
crap. i forgot to check back yesterday — and yes, i forgot the title. so take your half point, ernessa. cuz that's ALL you're gonna get this week…
when i was in highschool i often sat alone in my room listening to US and writing down the lyrics. (did anyone else do this? write down lyrics to songs as you listened to them? i guess that's what we did before there were sites like "" or whatever… or I was just a dorky kid.)
so luckily/embarrassingly, i got this one right away: Steam, Peter Gabriel.
Hahaha. I did that, too! And I'm betting that Zack from "Tall Glass of Shame" used to do it as well.
oh my god — i'd never seen the video to splash waterfalls — i love ludacris setting up his webcam. haha. that's amazing.
oh my god — i'd never seen the video to splash waterfalls — i love ludacris setting up his webcam. haha. that's amazing.