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Guess the Random Lyric: You=1; Me=0
Aw crap, Zacki from “Tall Glass of Shame” guessed correctly that yesterday’s lyric was from “Bless Your Beautiful Hide” from Seven Bride from Seven Brothers – but he didn’t guess the singer, so no extra half point for you guys. Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha!
On to Random Tuesdays.
This is one of my favorite songs from the 80s to dance to. In fact, back during my grad school days, I was dancing to this exact song with Kyle from “Frank’s Wild Lunch” at a party when the cops bust in and shut it down due to noise complaints. Man, some people just don’t appreciate a string of 80s hits like they should.
I waited so long
So long to play this part
And just remembered
That I’d forgotten about my heart
Guesses in the comments and Howard Keel w/ Italian subtitles after the jump: