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Guess the Random Lyric: You=3; Me=2

Ugh! BabySmiling from “Baby Smiling in the Back Seat” swooped in on Saturday and guessed correctly that Friday’s lyric was from “Breaking Us In Two” by Joe Jackson and so you guys won the week. Won’t even go into how upset I am about this, as I had spent a whole day and a half, thinking I was going to win. Bah!!!!

Anyway, I thought this would be a good week to do a hidden theme. All of the songs have one thing in common this week. And if you guess correctly what it is, you’ll get an extra half-point to take with you into next week, which will actually be our last GTRL week of the month, since I’ll be leaving for Scotland after that.

So here goes our Hidden Theme week, starting with Showtune Monday.

Funnily enough, this song is from he only musical that I’ve seen on both coasts: once on Broadway and once in Solvang. I’ll take the name of the song and the name of the musical for the full point.

And if my point of view
Is somewhat misty-eyed
There’s nothing clearer in my life
Than what I wish and feel for you
And that’s a lot…

Guesses in the comments and Joe Jackson after the jump. I had forgotten how aggressively boring this video is. I doubt any of you will have the attention span to get through it, but let me know in the comments if you actually do!