Hello Friday: FaN Notes [Sept. 10, 2010] Sep10

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Hello Friday: FaN Notes [Sept. 10, 2010]

What a way to kick off September. Fierce and Nerdy’s now two-years-old, and I’m just loving the makeover. But enough about that. Let’s break into the good stuff: this week’s round-up!

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1. I was already planning to vote for Jerry Brown, but Monique’s article about what it really takes to be in a position of political power gave words to what had before had only been a vague distaste for the current trend of business people and other random folk running for office .

2. It’s very interesting to me that everyone from Warehouse 13 to readers like Amy Brown are way more interested in Nikola Tesla than Thomas Edison. There’s just no telling who will come out on top in the future. For example, I’m reading (and loving) Jonathan Franzen’s FREEDOM right now, but I doubt it will stand the test of time, while I’m fairly sure that Harry Potter will.

3. I loved Joe Rusin’s defense of the NFL pre-season. But then again, I pretty much only watch the playoffs and the Super Bowl.

4. I’ve never had two weddings in the same month, much less the same weekend. And I’ve never worn the same dress to any two weddings, but Kelly makes me think that both situations might be some serious fun.

5. I have a terrible problem with getting non-novel and non-FierceandNerdy projects off the the ground, so I really felt Gudrun’s lament about figuring out how to apply her novel-writing discipline to her new animated short.

Featured Image Credit: wenxin