Hello Friday: Fiercest Nerds on the Block [August 21-27]

Guys, I’m SO sorry, but we’re at serious sixes and sevens today, so we’ll once again have limited content. But Monday, we’ll totally (okay somewhat) have it together. I super-promise!

That all vowed, here are the best comments and quotes of the week:


Michael chose Vegas. Photo Credit: Thomas Dwyer

Photo Credit: Thomas Dwyer

re: FIERCE ANTICIPATION: August 21-23, in which guest-blogger Michael Gutenplan tells us about his solo trip to Vegas.

CH: I agree that it’s fun to gamble but what makes Vegas great is all the other things “restaurants, Broadway shows, etc.” It’s what separates it from the Indian casino’s.


Quote from a post you should’ve read: “For now, I want to hold summer’s hand a little longer.” – Kelli Bielema, Fierce in Seattle: Summertime and the Living Is … Over?


Caster and Truth

Semenya and Truth

re: Political Physics: Ain’t I a Woman? The Story of Sojourner Truth and Caster Semenya, in Monique King-Viehland, explained why the gender testing of Caster Semenya is so very offensive.

katrina: Every time I read anything about this I get so angry. Monique, thank you for writing this. The violation of her body and her privacy is enough to infuriate me. I also appreciate you drawing attention to how black women, particularly, are often masculinized. Our sexuality and gender are often twisted into some type of stereotype hyper-sexed, under-sexed, mammy, superwoman, manly, etc… Gender and sex are both so ambiguous that any effort to squeeze either into some norm seems ridiculous to me.


re: Wonderfully Awful: Public Service Awesomeness, in which Robin Rosenzweig celebrates the awfulness of PSAs from the 80s and invited you to share your favorite wonderfully awful PSAs.

Constance: I still catch myself singing this sometimes:

Meth! OOOO, Meth!



Thanks to everyone that commented and Facebooked about my novel 32 CANDLES getting optioned by Miramax. I’ve got warm fuzzies to last a lifetime. Of course, I loved all the comments equally, but here’s the one that made me laugh out loud.

BabySmiling: Oh my goodness. That is amazing! Congratulations!!! What do you think will be better, the movie or the book? ;)