Hello Friday: Fiercest Nerds on the Block Sept. 14 – Oct. 1

Commuter by Vanilla Bicycles

Commuter by Vanilla Bicycles

Well, you might have noticed a change in my mood (picture) and yes, that means that I’ve finally finished my big HarperCollins rewrite. I could not be happier about this, and I’m super-excited to get back to the second novel, even if I’m not sure it will sell, since it’s way outside of my first novel’s genre. Ah well, at least I have the stability of your comments here on FaN. Check out our best of from below:


Best Line From A Post You Should Have Read: [If] you look at a pair of tomatoes a certain way, and you cup them in your hands, and you’re maybe a little hard up, you might possibly think of breasts or testicles.  The French did call them “apples of love.” — Roya Hamadani, Fierce Foodie: Nice Tomatoes


re: The Great Wide Betty, in which I wondered what Betty will be like when she grows up.

Polly: You can discover a child every single day as they change and grow into a citizen of the world. This is one of the great joys of having a child in your life. Just knowing them is an adventure.


re: NewlyNested: $300,000 For A Miniature House, in which Debra Goykhman lamented shopping for a house Southern California.

DebraB: We just bought a house in the LA area and, yeah, it is super expensive. I don’t know where your hometown is, but mine is in middle of nowhere Texas. Yes, I could have gotten a mansion for the price I paid for my modest one story here, but then…I’d be living in middle of nowhere Texas. So, first, you have to stop comparing the market here to anywhere else. Pay more attention to the comp prices in the neighborhoods you are interested in. That’s a better indicator of the value of the neighborhood as a whole and whether or not you are getting a good deal. It’s terrifying to commit, trust me. But nothing felt better than getting the keys to our own home and knowing that we were now putting our money into something as opposed to just handing it over to a faceless apartment management company.


Best Event Announcement From A Post You Should Have Read: In other bike news, David Byrne is on tour with his new book, Bicycle Diaries, and will be in Los Angeles this Friday discussing bike politics with a Civic Leader, Urban Theorist, and a Bicycle Advocate (from the Bicycle Kitchen): Los Angeles, CA: 2 October 2009 @8pm, Aratani Theater. — Justin Time, Technically Geeking: What’s New In Bikes



re: New TV So Far, in which I complain about falling out of love with Glee.

Howard L: Rachel quits every other act, not every other episode…. I can barely keep straight if she’s in or out of Glee Club anymore. The pace of the show is strange to me: feels rushed yet static at the same time. But Mercedes brought that house down w/ her number saving solo at the end of the episode. I could also watch Puck do just about anything…..in the right outfit (the towel was pretty close….) Jane Lynch, really, should have her own channel. 24 hours a day of her doing whatever she wants. Did you read the piece about her in the Sunday times? Suddenly….she’s everywhere. her 15 minutes in Julie & Julia was the giddiest thing I’ve seen in a long time.