Hello Friday: Rewriting and Drinking Lots of (Kona) Coffee Dec18

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Hello Friday: Rewriting and Drinking Lots of (Kona) Coffee

Photo Credit: R. J. Malfalfa

Photo Credit: R. J. Malfalfa

So you know I find it nigh near impossible to quit you guys for any real length of time. But alas, I’m going away for the holidays this year, and I have got to finish this rewrite of my novel, plus the hubby mentioned something about actually wanting our family to spend some time together while we’re on our family vacation, plus I’m not sure what my internet situation is going to be in Hawaii, soooo we’ll still be posting but in a limited way until the new year.

Expect to see Procrastinate on This!, One More Thing, Three Line Lunch, the occasional personal blogumn from me, and a few blogumns for our regulars. But other than that I’ll be on vacay, rewriting, swimming, reading, eating loco moco, drinking lava floats, and trying to talk my husband out of hiking — which will be considerably harder this year, since quite a few of our black readers have let him know that (despite my fervent claims to the contrary) it is genetically possible for black people to enjoy hiking. Thank you for that.

But you know, something about not working for a bit always inspires me to work even harder when I get home, so hopefully I’ll come up with a few ideas to make Fierce and Nerdy even more kick-ass next year.

Til then…

100% Aloha,
