MFA Grads with Business Sense, People Who Can’t See Typos, and Bio-Internet Viruses Were All Caught Procrastinating on This

1. Though, I really enjoyed my experience getting an MFA, this is a very good argument about why MFA programs shouldn’t be only about craft. Learning the business of writing is just as important as craft. Actually it’s more important. There are only a handful of authors who manage to make a living off of writing fiction alone, who also don’t have good business sense. [The Business Rusch]

Anyone who has a hard time spotting typos in their own work (like me), will find this explanation and additional scrambled word history fascinating. Click on the pic for the full i09 story.

2. I just came off of a deadline and I’m so going to treat myself to a luxurious hot oil treatment this weekend. Fellow naturals definitely want to click through. [CurlyNikki]

3. If you love Jay-Z’s “99 Problems” as much as I do — and really, who doesn’t? — you are going to adore this law professor’s breakdown of the song. Main takeaway: the po-po doesn’t need a warrant to search your car, but they do need probable cause — like something other than you being black or Latino. [The Grio]

4. There’s going to be an Internet Cat Festival in Minneapolis next month. I’m SO hurt that Fierce and Nerdy wasn’t invited. But seriously, click through to find out how to nominate your favorite cat video. [Gawker]

5. The only good thing I can say about paying out-of-pocket for IVF is that  the ultrasounds are plentiful and they monitor you like a hawk. You know that you’re miscarrying within days of it happening, and you don’t have to wait days for an appointment if you suspect you might be losing your baby. It’s the best version of an awful event that you could possibly have. I didn’t realize that until I read this miscarriage story out of Britain. [xoJaneUK]

6. My favorite nerd-girl blog is looking for a new writer/editor. This would be my dream job if I lived in New York and was still in my twenties. But maybe you have both going for you? [The Mary Sue]

7. Just in case you’re getting sick of the same humdrum, summer TV sci-fi offerings as I am, this Bryan Singer webseries, H+ will premiere on YouTube on August 8th. It’s really diverse and has a fantastic concept. Seriously, why can’t it be August now??? I so can’t wait.