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Oh, It’s Tuesday: Embarrassment Seizures
Today, as I was taking my daily walk and I remembered something embarrassing that I said, and I got what I call an “Embarrassment Seizure.” That’s basically when a wave of embarrassment washes over you and it’s so big, that it actually makes you emit a wounded sound and/or stop in your tracks.
In the case of this memory, I did both, and actually had to wait a few seconds for it to pass. And the sad thing was that this was something I said a couple of days ago. Not when I was twelve or when I was aflood in teenage hormones or when I was in my angsty 20s — TWO DAYS AGO.
And as I continued on in my uphill trek to the library, I wondered two things:
1) When the eff will I stop saying things that come back to haunt me in embarrassment-seizure form? When I was twelve, I was sure I would have a handle on this by the time I was an adult. And now that I’m an adult I’m beginning to think that the only thing that will stop the embarrassment seizures is that I’ll probably be incapable of embarrassment when I’m senior citizen.
2) Do other people suffer embarrassment seizures? I get them about three or four times a month. Please tell me I’m not alone.
I get them from time to time. I usually involuntarily start making excuses aloud.
I get them from time to time. I usually involuntarily start making excuses aloud.
I just had one yesterday because of something that occurred on Saturday. Mine usually manifest with a groan and then me saying, outloud, to myself "Oh well, it happened, can't undo it, guess I have to get over it." At least with age I've learned to actually get over it at that point instead of neurotically obsessing for much longer.
I just had one yesterday because of something that occurred on Saturday. Mine usually manifest with a groan and then me saying, outloud, to myself "Oh well, it happened, can't undo it, guess I have to get over it." At least with age I've learned to actually get over it at that point instead of neurotically obsessing for much longer.
Yes, I do it too. Sometimes I'll seize over an especially regrettable incident multiple times, maybe even months or years later. I also tend to emit an involuntary, audible apology or justification in the process. Hmmm. It's kind of nice to know I'm not the only one.
Yes, I do it too. Sometimes I'll seize over an especially regrettable incident multiple times, maybe even months or years later. I also tend to emit an involuntary, audible apology or justification in the process. Hmmm. It's kind of nice to know I'm not the only one.
Yes, I do it too. Sometimes I'll seize over an especially regrettable incident multiple times, maybe even months or years later. I also tend to emit an involuntary, audible apology or justification in the process. Hmmm. It's kind of nice to know I'm not the only one.
Yes, I do it too. Sometimes I'll seize over an especially regrettable incident multiple times, maybe even months or years later. I also tend to emit an involuntary, audible apology or justification in the process. Hmmm. It's kind of nice to know I'm not the only one.