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Oh, It’s Tuesday: So, So, So!
So, so, so — did you vote yet? Did you vote? I voted by mail a couple of weeks ago, but did you vote? Huh, huh, huh? Did you vote? If so, let me know in the comments.
The plan is to land in Belgium today, plant myself in front of a hotel TV — preferably with CNN, but BBC News will do in a pinch — and watch the election results until I can’t watch anymore. I’ve been worried sick about how this is all going to end, and apparently that’s pretty common. According to The Anonymous Smithie via The Associated Press, voter anxiety is way up, with both sides saying they’ve become obsessed with the race and that they don’t know what they’ll do if their candidate doesn’t win.
Just reading this article made me want to vomit a little, I started getting so scared for my candidate, but it also made me happy that I’m not alone. Can November 5th be here like yesterday? I don’t know how much more I can take.
But to aleve some anxiety, here’s a comic from the last presidential election cycle:
Click on pic to enlarge
Wow… that kind of didn’t help at all, did it?
I voted a few weeks ago!
I voted a few weeks ago!
I voted a few weeks ago!
I voted this morning. But that cartoon was hilarious!
I voted this morning. But that cartoon was hilarious!
I voted this morning. But that cartoon was hilarious!
I voted last week, and I also am a little scared. It is hard for me to judge what way things will go today. Living in Texas I am surrounded by republicans who continually tell me that there is no way America will elect Obama. I sure hope they are wrong.
I voted last week, and I also am a little scared. It is hard for me to judge what way things will go today. Living in Texas I am surrounded by republicans who continually tell me that there is no way America will elect Obama. I sure hope they are wrong.
I voted last week, and I also am a little scared. It is hard for me to judge what way things will go today. Living in Texas I am surrounded by republicans who continually tell me that there is no way America will elect Obama. I sure hope they are wrong.
I voted this morning in a line longer than I’ve ever seen. Ok, it was only 40 min for me, but I got there as the door opened. By the time we left at 7:40 the line was around the block. Hurray for Democracy – NO ON 8!!!
I voted this morning in a line longer than I’ve ever seen. Ok, it was only 40 min for me, but I got there as the door opened. By the time we left at 7:40 the line was around the block. Hurray for Democracy – NO ON 8!!!
I voted this morning in a line longer than I’ve ever seen. Ok, it was only 40 min for me, but I got there as the door opened. By the time we left at 7:40 the line was around the block. Hurray for Democracy – NO ON 8!!!
did the morning vote thing with my cup of joe in hand and my right hand ready to stab that ink blotter on a resounding No on 8. It was great to see such a turnout…. they really weren’t kidding! This election may actually be more popular than American Idol…. aww America i’m so proud of you, for a change.
did the morning vote thing with my cup of joe in hand and my right hand ready to stab that ink blotter on a resounding No on 8. It was great to see such a turnout…. they really weren’t kidding! This election may actually be more popular than American Idol…. aww America i’m so proud of you, for a change.
did the morning vote thing with my cup of joe in hand and my right hand ready to stab that ink blotter on a resounding No on 8. It was great to see such a turnout…. they really weren’t kidding! This election may actually be more popular than American Idol…. aww America i’m so proud of you, for a change.
OMG, I remember this cartoon because I had it pinned up in my cube at the office for weeks after the election!! So funny. Berke Breathed is a comic genius and artist beyond compare. I was saddened to hear that he will be retiring again, as I will miss the antics of Opus, Bill the Cat, Steve Dallas and company…
OMG, I remember this cartoon because I had it pinned up in my cube at the office for weeks after the election!! So funny. Berke Breathed is a comic genius and artist beyond compare. I was saddened to hear that he will be retiring again, as I will miss the antics of Opus, Bill the Cat, Steve Dallas and company…
OMG, I remember this cartoon because I had it pinned up in my cube at the office for weeks after the election!! So funny. Berke Breathed is a comic genius and artist beyond compare. I was saddened to hear that he will be retiring again, as I will miss the antics of Opus, Bill the Cat, Steve Dallas and company…