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Oh, It’s Tuesday: The Order of Good News

So I received some spectacular news yesterday (which, sadly, I can’t talk about online yet, but seriously, wait for it) and I realized that I definitely have a list of people that I call, text, and email with good news and they  fall in a certain order that goes something like:

blackblythe1. My husband

2. My best friend

3. My sister

4. The other three members of Filly Film Cult.

5. My writing exchange partner — it doesn’t have to be about writing. We’re in contact nearly everyday, so she tends to hear all of my good news before most others.

6. Fierce and Nerdy

7. Facebook.

My father, though I love him, is almost never on the list. Same goes for my large extended family in St. Louis, b/c I figure that my sister will spread the word.

What’s funny is that when I got engaged, ere The Fierce and Nerdy and Facebook days, I remember actually getting tired of calling everyone with the news. After the first few calls, it starts to feel more like obligation rather than sharing the joy. So yes, I’m definitely happy to have the option of getting my good news out in two big blasts on Fierce and Nerdy and Facebook.

Lucky for me, my sister doesn’t read FaN or she might be mad that my BFF is on the list before her. So far I’ve managed to keep my good news list order a secret from her.

But what about you? Do you have an informal Good News list? Who do you call, text or email before sending out your big Facebook status update, and in what order? I’d be interested to see how many other people call their best friend before their family members.


Blythe doll credit: Fascinating Girl