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One More Thing Before We Go: 30 Rock
Why oh why isn’t 30 Rock coming back until next Thursday? It’s tons better than almost everything that’s already back, and I feel like the NBC gods are punishing me for actually liking their entire Thursday night line-up now. Oh wait, that’s not true. I forgot about Kath & Kim. I haven’t caught it yet, but only because I’ve seen the promos and it seems pretty unwatchable.
But just to catch you up on the new shows that I like so far this season.
Life on Mars: The Lisa Bonet longing on the main character’s part is a little cheesy, but what a great concept! I’m so glad we stole it from the British.
Fringe: Though, I’m not sure the black guy from The Wire is serious enough. I really think he needs to work on sounding more grave.
However, I don’t know if it’s more sad that I only like two new shows this season or that both of them are high-concept procedurals, one of which is an almost total copycat of a British show. Oh, Creativity, where art thou this television season?
They’re cutting Kath & Kim on the other side of the wall from me. One word: oy.
They’re cutting Kath & Kim on the other side of the wall from me. One word: oy.
Oy seconded on Kath and Kim. I tried to like it, but couldn’t sit through a whole ep.
I like the Fringe, the lead lady isn’t super glam and it isn’t entirely predictable (except for Mr. Serious and Mega-Global-Evil-Empire)
Oy seconded on Kath and Kim. I tried to like it, but couldn’t sit through a whole ep.
I like the Fringe, the lead lady isn’t super glam and it isn’t entirely predictable (except for Mr. Serious and Mega-Global-Evil-Empire)
Since I haven’t seen Fringe, I had no idea which “black guy from the Wire” you meant, and had to look it up. There are like 20 black guys from the Wire! LOL
Since I haven’t seen Fringe, I had no idea which “black guy from the Wire” you meant, and had to look it up. There are like 20 black guys from the Wire! LOL
And they all seem to be on TV this fall. Life on Mars, Fringe, 90210, and Heroes have all taken on exactly one black guy this Fall — and they’re all from The Wire.