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One More Thing Before We Go: Don’t go talking ish about my state [BEST OF FaN]
Originally published 02/03/11
Because I got a graphic right here that says your state ain’t so great either. Click on the pic for further explanations … or if you like me, have trouble telling which unlabeled state is which, now that you’re not in the third grade anymore. ~via Pleated Jeans
Nice going Washington state. Happy to live here, creeps.
Actually, the state only a few years made bestiality a felony. Keepin’ it current in the Pac NW!
Well, if they JUST made bestiality a felony, we can’t really blame them, can we? I mean how many people are aware of this new law? I’m just jealous that Ohio gets to be the nerdiest state — b/c that’s really not a slam at all.
I mean, I make out with my dog a little bit, but there’s a limit… ha.
I’m just happy to not be an ugly bastard from North Dakota or a dumb Maine-ard.