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One More Thing Before We Go: James Bond PSA
Warning: sleeping with James Bond is bad for your health. Apparently 1 out of every 3 women that he sleeps with on film end up dead-zo. So girls, if Bond asks for the nookie, ignore the sexy accent and just say no.

Sleeping with James Bond is an even bigger health risk than smoking
Dang IT! I could have used this advice before the weekend. Look like it's time to go on the lam.
Dang IT! I could have used this advice before the weekend. Look like it's time to go on the lam.
Which begs the ultimate "fierce and nerdy" question – which James Bond is the sexiest? Roger Moore? Sean Connery? Dalton? Brosnan? Craig?
Have at it!
Which begs the ultimate "fierce and nerdy" question – which James Bond is the sexiest? Roger Moore? Sean Connery? Dalton? Brosnan? Craig?
Have at it!