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One More Thing Before We Go: Thought Chuck for Nov. 4
A Proof of Nerd ID by Charles Cron
Courtesy of George Will’s column in today’s Washington Post:
The Center for Responsive Politics calculated that, by today, $2.4 billion will have been spent on presidential campaigns in the two-year election cycle that began in January 2007, and an additional $2.9 billion will have been spent on 435 House and 35 Senate contests. This $5.3 billion is a billion less than Americans will spend this year on potato chips.
That’s a shocking figure. Think of all the good that could have been done in the world with that amount of money — on both counts!
That’s a shocking figure. Think of all the good that could have been done in the world with that amount of money — on both counts!
That’s a shocking figure. Think of all the good that could have been done in the world with that amount of money — on both counts!