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One More Thing Before We Go: Week in Preview
Just in case you were wondering where blogs like Kalimba’s “Inspiration Monday” and Kelli’s “Fierce in Seattle” and Gudrun’s “Secret Life of A Nerd Girl” have gotten off to this week; just wanted to let you know that most of our blogumns are bi-weekly. So all of your “new favorites” will be back NEXT week.
THIS week, however, we have a ton of great stuff for you. We’ll call them your “new-new favorites” in advance. They include, Roya’s “Fierce Foodie,” Kelly Kaboom’s (yes of Derby Doll fame)”Venice Flytrap” and perhaps one of our best Proof of Nerd ID’s yet — a comic from the one and only Missy Kulik. So check back for all of that in the days to come.
See you Tuesday!