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One More Thing Before We Go: Week in Review


The Fierce and Nerdy soft opening week has come to an official close, and left a ton of great blog posts in its wake. Here’s a digest after the jump, just in case you missed any of them. See you next Monday!


Take a 5 minute breathing vacay with Kalimba

Hello Kitty Is now an ambassador to Japan. No, we’re not kidding.

Everybody should start making their bed.

If you can’t remember the last time you read a book, then you need to read this.


McCain Didn’t Fall In Love W/ Palin, just becaus she was The Cutest Candidate for the job. 

Picking your nose is a good thing.

At least one vice-president was musically talented.

Throwing a bridal shower for a 30 something is a ton more fun than throwing one for a 20 something. For one thing, no toilet paper dresses.

Resume Tip: Do the math

September 1st will always be remembered sadly by Trekkies


This Shoe advice will change your life.

Boys, don’t look!!!

Seattle is fierce, pierced, and crunchy

Candy that’s actually good for you

The Borg Collective is Powered By Windows


This week’s Top 5 Music Downloads

Watch this before your next nerd date

5 things you wish you didn’t know about 90210

Part one in the saga of why Ernessa and Kyle stopped being friends

The Secret Life of a Nerd Girl

September 11th might be a cursed day

And just scroll down for all of Friday’s great blogs.

Cheers, and see you next Monday!


100% Love,
