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Personal Ultrasound Belt [One More Thing Before We Go]
Ernessa sent this item about a (for-now-concept) PreVue ultrasound belt which allows parents to see their baby whenever to me with the note, “I’d totally buy this!” What say the rest of you? Click on the pic to find out more about the device. ~via Jezebel
Yup! I would have gotten it. Though I wonder if there are in negative side effects if your using the ultrasound frequently.
There have been many studies done on the safety of ultra-sound and it is indeed a controversial subject. Unfortunately there is evidence of dangers when using ultra-sound, including a possible link to the raise in autism. This video was made 22 years ago but is still relevant today:
Now it’s true I am not a mother so I have not had to experience the 9 months of anticipation, but I have been through ECE classes and ultra-sound and it’s dangers were discussed there. Please understand I am in no way claiming to be an authority on this subject. I do strongly believe that these machines are very dangerous and should be banned from the market.
Besides ladies isn’t part of the joy of Motherhood similar to that of Christmas where you watch the presents stack up more and more each day until finally Christmas morning arrives bringing the sweet satisfaction of a paid off long term anticipation?
Not sure how much of an April Fool’s Day thing this is, but I’m sure people have been working on this or at least thinking about it. You have the heart monitor ones etc. I am a mom of a 2 year old, and would have LOVED to have seen my baby all the time in the womb. BUT, I also think the risks posed by unneeded ultrasounds WAY outweighs the superficial benefits of being able to coo at a picture of your baby. I know some docs do ultrasounds all the time and while it is tempting to want to get them so you can see your baby, I think docs do not tell the patients about any risks whatsoever. Most Americans think they are 100% safe, no worry at all. There have been studies in other countries which say otherwise and there if there is no health benefit to having an ultrasound, don’t do it (I think the chances of negative effects starts increasing after 3 or 5 ultrasounds–i can’t remember which number it was). Esp if it is just for the novelty of it. I don’t know why America is always so behind on giving this kind of information to patients. But hey, at least we can still put our hands on our bellies and feel the baby moving, and that is pretty darn cool.
Hmm I would be SO tempted, but I think I would worry too much about side effects. I do own a Doppler and I started using it at 10 weeks with both babies and I love it. Such a great piece of mind. I tend to stop using it once I can feel the baby moving regularly.
Hmm I would be SO tempted, but I think I would worry too much about side effects. I do own a Doppler and I started using it at 10 weeks with both babies and I love it. Such a great piece of mind. I tend to stop using it once I can feel the baby moving regularly.