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Procrastinate on This: Vampires, Animals, and Biggie Smalls
Why, why, why are we still at work? Don’t our employoyers understand that we turn into expensive paperweights by 1pm on Friday.
Anyway, here are 5 things to get you through the rest of the day:
1. Take the Which Twilight Character Are You Quiz. Apparently, I’m Jasper Hale, because I “put people at ease.” Not exactly sexy, but at least I’m some sort of vampire. Let me know who you score in the comments. Sidenote: They ask for your personal details before scoring the test, but you don’t have to give it to them to get your answer. Just opt out, and they’ll still let you know what character you are. Phew, right?
Twilight Quiz by fun quizzes!
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2. Go here and vote for our friends over at Tickles.TV. They’ve produced a Loreal ad, that actually makes me want to wear make-up — even though as you can see from the Current Mood photos, I rarely do so. In fact, Gudrun had to convince me to put on some lipstick for the GIRLY mood photo — which is probably why that photo is rarely run.
3. Set a calendar reminder to program your DVR to record Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters on ABC. Both have season premieres this Sunday, and I’m curious to see how many scenes the writers put Balthazar Getty and Matthew Rhys in together, since supposedly they’re feuding over Sienna Miller.
4. Warning: I somehow lost an hour in a very busy week on this engrossing and hilarious site that gives animals letter grades. But it’s Friday, so if you’re looking to kill an hour. Go nuts:
5. Check out the teaser trailer for Notorious, the Biggie biopic, that they’ve been talking about forever after the jump:
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My favorite animal review is the sea cucumber. You must find it on the site and read the hell out of it.
The giraffe is also a winner (well…I guess it’s actually a loser)
My favorite animal review is the sea cucumber. You must find it on the site and read the hell out of it.
The giraffe is also a winner (well…I guess it’s actually a loser)
Seems very good info. Great job !
Seems very good info. Great job !