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Procrastinate on This! Rhinoceroses, Dr. Who, and BSG Raptors
Hulloo party people! Feeling sad that you’re still at work on a Friday? I know I am, man. But hopefully this will help. At least 20 minutes of procrastination guaranteed.
1. Have you played the NPR name game yet? Mine is Ternessa Mons. Let us know what yours is in the comments. [Jezebel]
2. Happy 60th anniversary, Harlequin! I haven’t read one of these in over ten years. But I’ll always carry a soft spot for them, just because they were the only English-language books I could consistently find in bookshops during my 2 semesters in China. As it turns out, having a random selection of celebs reads passages from the books is pretty adorable — especially the guys. [Videogum]
3. Please don’t visit this link, unless you want to be overwhelmed with zoo animal cuteness. Even baby rhinoceroses are super-cute. Who knew! [Boston Globe]
4. I don’t know if I should be amused or saddened by this list of reasons why Dr. Who would be horrible if he was an American (read: why the American television system would totally eff the series up.) [Topless Robot]
5. This video is so terrible, that I can only thank Friend of FaN, Yusuf G, profusely for posting it to his Facebook page. Else, I might never have know such awful “treasure.”
Yvoanne Munich here! Oh and that video. Hate you because that F'd up song is all in my head. Its so damn cathcy and I think he's kinda cute in a gremlin type of way. Dang, what's wrong with me?
Yvoanne Munich. He is not cute — even in a gremlin sort of way — I mean maybe if he didn't have the cornrows. But i do find his incredibad dancing sort of adorable.
Yvoanne Munich here! Oh and that video. Hate you because that F'd up song is all in my head. Its so damn cathcy and I think he's kinda cute in a gremlin type of way. Dang, what's wrong with me?
Yvoanne Munich. He is not cute — even in a gremlin sort of way — I mean maybe if he didn't have the cornrows. But i do find his incredibad dancing sort of adorable.
Oh, and that would be catchy……yeah I'm the girl who NEEDS the spellcheck
Oh, and that would be catchy……yeah I'm the girl who NEEDS the spellcheck