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Procrastinate on This! Captain Jack’s Guide for the Recently Deflowered Girl
Another Friday, another chance to prove to your boss that they really should go to half days on Fridays, since you’re useless after 1pm. Here’s some useful goof-off stuff. I give this you, because I care.
1. Pump your fist (quietly) at your desk. Torchwood Season 3 is on like Tron for this summer. And don’t worry Statesiders, we’ll be getting it at the same time that the Brits do, and oh, did I mention that Captain Jack (aka John Barrowman) is going to co-auther a Torchwood comic. I said it before, but I’m saying it again. This just might be the best birthday ever. [Wired]
2. I wouldn’t want a toilet seat that monitored my weight every time I went number 2. But maybe you would. Yes, of course, it’s a Japanese invention. [Yanko Design]
3. What do you think of Google’s new favicon. I think it’s neat. Yes, I’ve used “neat” an awful lot this week. Leave me alone. It’s my birthday. [Valleywag]
4. I wish I had this guide for the recently deflowered girl before my first time. I might have said something cleverer than “I have to get back to my room before the other camp workers wake up!” [Jezebel]
5. The below is the creepiest music video that I have ever seen, and I kind of mad at Zacki from Tall Glass of Shame for posting it, b/c now I’m going to have nightmares. Seriously, I challenge you to name a creepier music video than this one. I’m never getting into a canoe again. Like ever. [Tall Glass of Shame]