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Okay I want to go all bah humbug on this Robbins Brothers commercial of real marriage proposals, but I kind of love it — though would it have killed them to to put a non-white couple in the 30 second TV ad? Just saying…
Anywho, this got me to wondering about all of your proposal stories. Ours isn’t on tape and it was completely unexpected, coming at 1am in the morning after I had come home from one of slpc’s short film shoots for which we created milk rain. Yes, milk rain. It looked awesome, but I reeked of old milk by the time I got home. And now whenever I smell expired or warm milk I think of CH proposing. Funnily enough, I feel that this was the best proposal ever. But I wanna hear your story, so sound off in the comments.
I've totally been considering uploading my proposal video on the Robbins Bros. site, if only because it's in sparkling HD (thanks LA Derby Dolls Research and Development crew!). Seriously, wouldn't this look purdy on TV?
As for the story, well, I already told it on FaN!
I've totally been considering uploading my proposal video on the Robbins Bros. site, if only because it's in sparkling HD (thanks LA Derby Dolls Research and Development crew!). Seriously, wouldn't this look purdy on TV?
As for the story, well, I already told it on FaN!
Suzy, you need to submit yours yesterday. You know they have to pay for the rights to use it in their ads. That would fund a lot of nap drills!
I've totally been considering uploading my proposal video on the Robbins Bros. site, if only because it's in sparkling HD (thanks LA Derby Dolls Research and Development crew!). Seriously, wouldn't this look purdy on TV?
As for the story, well, I already told it on FaN!
I've totally been considering uploading my proposal video on the Robbins Bros. site, if only because it's in sparkling HD (thanks LA Derby Dolls Research and Development crew!). Seriously, wouldn't this look purdy on TV?
As for the story, well, I already told it on FaN!
Suzy, you need to submit yours yesterday. You know they have to pay for the rights to use it in their ads. That would fund a lot of nap drills!
No proposal. We decided together. I was under the impression that modern women decide their own fates, and I was shocked to discover subsequently that almost every woman I know either ended up waiting around for a guy to decide the timeline of her life or prodded her fella into asking her.
Dude, I love how you always come with the different perspective. I plan to blog about gender roles in marriage proposals one of these days, but I will say that in my case, I knew fairly early that I wanted to marry CH if he'd have me, but I didn't discuss it with him, b/c I wanted him to come to the same conclusion on his own and be really sure, b/c I'm an interesting person to be married to. :)
However, I would never prod anyone into marrying me. IMO, either he's as excited about you as you are about him or you don't need to be together. And I think most women would be better off dumping their guy than pressuring him into marriage.
No proposal. We decided together. I was under the impression that modern women decide their own fates, and I was shocked to discover subsequently that almost every woman I know either ended up waiting around for a guy to decide the timeline of her life or prodded her fella into asking her.
Dude, I love how you always come with the different perspective. I plan to blog about gender roles in marriage proposals one of these days, but I will say that in my case, I knew fairly early that I wanted to marry CH if he'd have me, but I didn't discuss it with him, b/c I wanted him to come to the same conclusion on his own and be really sure, b/c I'm an interesting person to be married to. :)
However, I would never prod anyone into marrying me. IMO, either he's as excited about you as you are about him or you don't need to be together. And I think most women would be better off dumping their guy than pressuring him into marriage.