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Procrastinate on This! Friday Edition [October 16]
Hey guys, I’m stuck at home w/o my car, which is getting outfitted by the hubby for this weekend’s 32 CANDLES book trailer shoot, so I’m doing some online boots shopping for next week’s New York trip. Sweet! Oh, and if you have any suggestions for flying on a plane with a baby, please send them my way. Meanwhile, feel free to move about the cabin as you procrastinate on this.
1. Oh, I love Thundersquee even more than I already did for posting their list of the 50 best videos ever. I would have cut Chris Isaak’s “Wicked Game” and replaced it with Michael Jackson’s “Bad,” but other than that this list is pretty much perfect. [Thundersquee]
2. First they gave Strawberry Shortcake and Dora, The Explorer (unneeded) makeovers and now they done gone and hijacked Rainbow Brite. When will stop? WHEN WILL IT STOP??? [Jezebel]
3. Check out these awesome Roller Derby bout posters, quite a few of which are by Friend of FaN, Tara Armov. [Fracture Magazine]
4. Now here’s an iPhone app that I (and many of my fellow Broadway lovers) can get behind. [Producer’s Perspective]
5. Women in Trouble. Hmm, a female-driven ensemble piece. Looks interesting. But only one woman of color in the trailer — in the 13yo role. No men of color. And it was written by a dudeĀ — hence the pregnant porn star and call girls, I’m sure. Sigh. We’ve got to do better.