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Procrastinate on This! Herd It for Science

Handy tip in case your boss catches you playing Herd It.

Handy tip in case your boss catches you playing Herd It.

Thanks to the good folks over at Thundersquee for tipping us off to “Herd It” a game that is not only fun for people who like “Guess the Random Lyric” type games, but also a super-solid for science as it’s basically helping researchers at UCSD figure out semantic and acoustic values in music so that they can better answer questions like, “Why does ‘Hey Ya,’ a song about a break-up, always make me feel so dang peppy when it comes on the radio?”

This is one of those lovely procrastination tools that you can play for both short times and long. Either way you should definitely donate some of your down time to science and procrastinate for worthy cause. It’ll make you feel better when you’re rushing to meet that deadline later.

Anywho, you can read more about the study’s background at Thundersquee, or you can just get to the good stuff and play “Herd It “here.