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Procrastinate on This: Robot Zombies Are Invading Tokyo

See now why don't we ever do cool stuff like this. Click on the pic to find out more about the 59-foot (about 6 stories) robot that will go on display in Tokyo this July.

See now why don't we ever do cool stuff like this. Click on the pic to find out more about the 59-foot (about 6 stories) robot that will go on display in Tokyo this July.

Hey Guys! By the time you read this, I’ll probably be knee-deep in diapers and baby care reference books, but hopefully you’ll be just about ready to stop pretending to work and procrastinate on this instead.

1. I know this fraud story is supposed to make me hate “artist” Thomas Kinkade more, but … if you call yourself a gallery owner and your taste is so bad that you actually sell Kinkade’s work, don’t you kind of deserve whatever you get? [Gawker]

2. Bored to Death, this new Jason Schwartzman-Ted Danson-Zack Gali-whatshisname-from-The-Hangover HBO series looks pretty funny, but how annoying that they decided to debut it in the wellspring of Fall as opposed to the drought of summer. []

3. Most disturbing food crisis so far: Toll House cookie dough is being recalled. Noooooo! Not my cookie dough! [Jezebel]

4. Wow. Crazy rabbit ladies are a lot more bat**** than crazy cat ladies. []

5. I was pretty much done with zombie movies, then I saw the trailer for Zombieland, starring Woody Harrelson. What say you? Yea or nay?