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Procrastinate on This: Robot Zombies Are Invading Tokyo

See now why don't we ever do cool stuff like this. Click on the pic to find out more about the 59-foot (about 6 stories) robot that will go on display in Tokyo this July.
Hey Guys! By the time you read this, I’ll probably be knee-deep in diapers and baby care reference books, but hopefully you’ll be just about ready to stop pretending to work and procrastinate on this instead.
1. I know this fraud story is supposed to make me hate “artist” Thomas Kinkade more, but … if you call yourself a gallery owner and your taste is so bad that you actually sell Kinkade’s work, don’t you kind of deserve whatever you get? [Gawker]
2. Bored to Death, this new Jason Schwartzman-Ted Danson-Zack Gali-whatshisname-from-The-Hangover HBO series looks pretty funny, but how annoying that they decided to debut it in the wellspring of Fall as opposed to the drought of summer. []
3. Most disturbing food crisis so far: Toll House cookie dough is being recalled. Noooooo! Not my cookie dough! [Jezebel]
4. Wow. Crazy rabbit ladies are a lot more bat**** than crazy cat ladies. []
5. I was pretty much done with zombie movies, then I saw the trailer for Zombieland, starring Woody Harrelson. What say you? Yea or nay?