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Procrastinate on This! The Electric Company
CH and I were arguing the other day about whether our future children would sing along with television themes (as I did and still do) or just sit there like a lump, waiting for them to be over (as CH did and still does). Sadly, the new Electric Company theme song is so short, I fear we won’t be able to use it as a measure of our kids sing-a-long skills.
Here’s the new song and a neo-soul inspired take on compound words:
And after the jump the old song with a neat-o take on the high-five:
I think I'm too young to know The Electric Company, but the new one looks so rad I might just have to watch it myself. Sort of a School House Rocks for the hipster youth.
I think I'm too young to know The Electric Company, but the new one looks so rad I might just have to watch it myself. Sort of a School House Rocks for the hipster youth.
Well Ernessa the kids and I still sit around and sing to the theme songs of thier favorite shows so I am sure that Betty will too. As far as the new Electric Company goes I hope the kids will want to watch it CH and I used to love the old show when we were kids. Now if they would just bring back Land of the Lost all would be right in the world.
Well Ernessa the kids and I still sit around and sing to the theme songs of thier favorite shows so I am sure that Betty will too. As far as the new Electric Company goes I hope the kids will want to watch it CH and I used to love the old show when we were kids. Now if they would just bring back Land of the Lost all would be right in the world.
I think they are making a land of the lost movie.
I think they are making a land of the lost movie.
yes, there is a land of the lost movie on the sked for June. It stars Will Ferrell. should be … interesting.
yes, there is a land of the lost movie on the sked for June. It stars Will Ferrell. should be … interesting.