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Procrastinate on This! The Real Eurotrash
I only made it through 37 seconds of this video. Let me know in the comments if you get any further. [Source: Topless Robot]
I only made it through 37 seconds of this video. Let me know in the comments if you get any further. [Source: Topless Robot]
That was terrible.
That was terrible.
44 seconds. at first i thought, "this isn't so bad. it's like battlestar galactica meets shitty german techno." then he started to sing. and my ears started to bleed.
44 seconds. at first i thought, "this isn't so bad. it's like battlestar galactica meets shitty german techno." then he started to sing. and my ears started to bleed.
44 seconds. at first i thought, “this isn’t so bad. it’s like battlestar galactica meets shitty german techno.” then he started to sing. and my ears started to bleed.
44 seconds. at first i thought, “this isn’t so bad. it’s like battlestar galactica meets shitty german techno.” then he started to sing. and my ears started to bleed.
1:06 – just to the chorus… wow. I thought I could handle it, you know cause I live in Europe, but … wow.
1:06 – just to the chorus… wow. I thought I could handle it, you know cause I live in Europe, but … wow.