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Procrastinate on This! Vegan Robots Much Prefer Chanel No. 9

I’m still not quite in the position to procrastinate yet. But really looking forward to the day when I can get back to my favorite past time. Til then, please enjoy the below goodies, so that I can vicariously procrastinate through you.

If I wasn't sure that I would somehow manage to poke my own clumsy eye out with this masterpiece, I would totally buy this world landmark ring, which is available on etsy for only $24.

If I didn't already know that I would somehow manage to poke my own clumsy eye out with this masterpiece, I would totally buy this world landmark ring, which is available at etsy for only $24.

1. Food samples from 7 out of 17 vegan restaurants in Los Angeles tested positive for meat products. Is it wrong that I now want to eat at those 7 vegan restaurants? [Gawker]

2. I can’t wait, wait, wait for the Coco Chanel biopic. Here’s the trailer w/ subtitles. [Elle]

3. I hate madlibs, b/c I don’t think they’re funny and I always feel like my time is being wasted when forced to participate in one. But caveat: this celebrity interview madlib is actually funny b/c it’s true. [Jezebel]

4. Looking for the perfect gift for your favorite goth/macabre person? How about a blood choker. [LikeCool]

5. Not sure if people in other cities outside of LA have been seeing the District 9 viral campaign all over the place. This includes bus benches with “For Use of Humans Only” signs, billboards, radio ads, and all sorts of things designed to pique our interest. So if you, like me, were wondering what all the viral hype was about. Here’s the trailer: