One More Thing Before We Go: Sept. 11 Thought Chuck

. A Proof of Nerd ID by Charles Cron Thoughts to think on as you go about your day: PATRIOTS DAY EDITION September 11th will always be remembered by Americans for the incidents which ocurred in New York, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania. But many people forget that 9/11 has always been a day of ill omen. Take for example: On September 11, 9 A.D.: German tribesmen massacred three entire Roman Legions in The Battle of Teutoburg Forest, the first military defeat of the Roman Empire. On September 11, 1297: Scots led by William Wallace (aka Mel Gibson in Braveheart) defeated the British in The Battle of Stirling Bridge. On September 11, 1857: Mormons in Utah (possibly under the orders of Brigham Young) massacred 120 Arkansan emigrants traveling by wagon – the event would come to be known as the “Mountain Meadows Massacre.” Brigham Young On September 11, 1973: A CIA-backed coup d’etat in Chile leads to the overthrow of the democratically-elected President Salvador Allende and the installation of dictator Augusto Pinochet....