. A versus by Kyle T. Wilson and Ernessa T. Carter First, you should click play on the below EP, so that you can listen to the Passion Pit while you read our versus: Then ETC’s Take: Now, I almost don’t want to tell you guys about Passion Pit, because right now they/he feel like my secret boyfriend. It’s a little like discovering Santogold (thanks Kasey Bomber!) before she was a Converse pitchwoman. Or TV on the Radio (thanks Karen O from The Yeah! Yeah! Yeahs I-Tunes Celebrity Playlist!) while they were still doing $25 shows at the MusicBox. Or Little Jackie (thanks David B!) before they were featured in People magazine. However, I’ve come to accept about myself that if I know about an act, then they’re just a Wikipedia entry away from no longer being underground. I’m just not cool enough to know about bands before everyone else does. So now, I’m having to thank Kyle, because he suggested this clever little band/project out of Massachusetts by way of Emerson College for this week’s versus. Basically it’s one guy (Michael Angelakos) with a synth hard-on putting together the music and a 5-man set-up representing for him on stage. And the results are just too listenable. I would recommend the entire EP, as it’s hard to listen to just one song, and they seem to be designed to weave seamlessly into one another. My only complaint about the Passion Pit is that they often sound like some other great synth-heavy band you like. Not derivative – but perhaps overly influenced by 80’s forces. Especially towards the last few tracks when they start running out of ideas. However, 3 out of 6 (7 if you count the remix of their current single “Sleepyhead”) ain’t...