Hey Guys, somehow I totally missed that it was our one month anniversary on Tuesday, so I’m belatedly throwing up some confetti in the air. Many thanks to you, the readers, and to our Fierce and Nerdy contributors for making this one of the best months of my life. So far I’m putting it up there with my summer in New York. But unlike the summer, Fierce and Nerdy is going to keep on going and hopefully just getting better and better in the months to come. On a more serious note, I’ll be announcing whether I’m pregnant or not on Monday’s first Fierce and Nerdy post. I’m no longer feeling calm about it, but trying not to get too stressed, b/c that’s a serious no-no according to my doctor. Also, it’s killing me that there’s nothing I can do but wait. Over the counter pregnancy tests often deliver false results after the IVF, so I can’t even channel my obsessions into checking and re-checking until I take my blood test on Sunday. Patience seems to be the only cure for this situation. Still, I’ve been finding it very hard to concentrate at work, and I don’t think a week has ever passed by slower in the history of man. Maybe not even in the history of the universe. But no matter what happens, I want to thank all of the people who have shown me so much love and support over the past few weeks. I’m extremely grateful for your open ears and kind words, and I seriously don’t know what I would have done without you. But enough, with the serious stuff. We’ve got a ton of fun blogs to throw at you. Let’s close the week out right. Hello...
Hello Friday: Can You Die of Bed Rest?
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
So I’m on my second day of bed rest after getting fertilized (aka having an embryo transfer) on Thursday, and I’m officially bored out of my skull. Have discovered that I might be one off those people who only likes to spend hours reading and/or watching television when there is something else that I should be doing. Also, I’m in a bit of a limbo while I wait for my novel to get back from the copy editor. Apparently, I’m just not any good at twiddling my thumbs. But the good news is that the eggs were “so good,” that we didn’t have to decide between 2 or 3. Our doctor suggested just implanting one, since 4 of them made it to freezing yesterday and maybe two more will make it to freezing today. In the end, we had to make the decision about whether to implant 1 or 2 rather quickly, and with me hopped up on valium no less. And though our natural instincts and my distaste at the prospect of going through this process again were encouraging us to go for twins, the fact is that multiple births are higher risk. Plus, everyone I know who has ever had a baby has warned that twins are double the insanity, and therefore twice as likely to drive couples crazy. So we went with one, and we’re scheduled to take the pregnancy test on Oct. 12th. I’ll report back then. But right now, my fingers are super-duper crossed. That all said, let’s get off the serious stuff and enjoy a fun Friday of blogs. Cheers!...
Dear Thursday: How Long Does It Take Valium To Wear Off?
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
By the time you read this, I will be at the fertility treatment center, getting fertilized with 2 or 3 eggs — shockingly we still haven’t decided yet. I feel like one of those swing state independents that still hasn’t made up their mind about voting for McCain or Obama. Do we know any of these people in real life, by the way? I have a feeling that the media’s just making them up. Anyway, I’ve been given exactly one valium to take before the procedure. So either I won’t be online very much today, or I will be and my comments might not make a lot of sense. Apologies ahead of time, either way. Seriously, how long does it take valium to wear off? I’d really like to know, just so I can plot out the rest of my day. Though I doubt it would really effect my plans to lay on the couch, watching Private Practice, Dirty Sexy Money, and Skins until CH comes home from work. Anyway, enjoy the many great blog posts that we have for you today. And wish me...