Comic-Con 2012 [Gal About Town: Fashion and Travel at Your Fingertips]

The latest installment on my love for San Francisco is being put on hold for the moment, because I just got back from Comic-Con and needed to share its awesomeness with you. This was truly the best year yet. I got to listen to Peter Mayhew (aka thee Chewbacca) sing to Bill Prady (co-creator of The Big Bang Theory), “Soft wookie, warm wookie, little ball of fur…”. Wil Wheaton and I had quite a long conversation about craft beer making, I talked to Levar Burton and Brent Spiner at the same time, shook hands with Sean Astin, and rubbed elbows with some of the sci-fi world’s finest. To say many childhood dreams came true was an understatement. The costumes, as always, surprised and inspired me. And oddly, this year the crowds weren’t as large and smelly as usual. And the best part about the Con, you never know what to expect. Check out my photo journal below to see some of the fun and unexpected wonders of Comic-Con 2012. Now Boldly Go! If you liked this post, please do us the further boon of Liking the Fierce and Nerdy page on FaceBook. Also, we’re giving great stream on Twitter, so do give us...

File Under: Things That Make Us Happy

Okay, apparently Japan is no longer satisfied with just having Hello Kitty on EVERY POSSIBLE THING. The tourism ministry has made the mouthless wunderkitten an official ambassador for Japan. A much better choice than some crusty Japanese politco, methinks. Now all they have to do is make Chococat the Prime Minister, and I’ll officially love everything about Japan*. By the way, this all happened back in May. But apparently I wasn’t paying attention then. Just in case you weren’t either, read the NYT article here. *Except the high prices, the unchecked homeless problem, and icky Japanese businessman on the make — but other than that — I’d love...