On March 16, 1936 unusually warm temperatures caused a rapid melting of snow which began to fill the rivers across Pennsylvania. By early morning on March 17th, the rivers in both Pittsburgh and Johnstown began to overflow their banks and the St. Patrick’s Day Flood of 1936 was on and it is still being paid for today. By late morning, many cities were completely underwater, which lasted for five days. It wasn’t until March 21st that the flood receded enough to allow clean up to begin. The damage to homes, businesses, and the steel mills cost $4.19 billion in today’s dollars to Pittsburgh alone. In Johntstown 30,000 were left homeless. Check out this historic newsreel sensationalizing the devastation: To help offset the cost, the Pennsylvania government quickly approved The Johnstown Flood Tax. Although other major cities in the state were also affected, it was named for Johnstown which seemed to take the brunt of it. The 10% tax was added to every bottle of liquor purchased by anyone anywhere in the state. The tax quickly racked up enough cash to rebuild Johnstown and Pittsburgh. However, the state never shut it down. Instead, they expanded it and continued to fill the state’s money vaults. The tax was raised to 18% in 1968. Take a drive through PA, stop at a liquor store – and you’re paying it! The tax rakes in over $200 million annually. The state places the cash in the general fund for use on various projects. Trouble is, most people don’t realize they’re paying it. It’s not marked as part of the additional 6% state sales tax on customer receipts from a liquor store. I lived in PA for almost 30 years and I had no idea this was ever going on, since it was enacted long before my time. I gave my PA grandmother a call and she had no idea about it, even though her family has been paying it since she was a child. Pennsylvania residents have begun to express serious outrage with the state’s tax system. In 2006, casino gambling was legalized and casinos were constructed. The promise of permitting gambling was to give residents a break on their property and school taxes as the state’s cut from gambling would be able to cover the cost. To this day, most residents never saw those tax cuts and instead, property and school taxes continue to rise. A grass roots campaign has been organized to eliminate the tax at johnstownfloodtax.com and on facebook.com/RepealTheJohnstownFloodTax. The flood tax has even been a target of conservative talk show host, Glen Beck who wrote about it in his book, Arguing with Idiots. One of the solutions to prevent Johnstown from flooding again was designed by the US Army Corps of Engineers. Large cement flood walls were constructed along the banks of each river in the city proper to help assist drainage and keep water moving downstream during times of high water. After the walls were constructed later that year, the city was declared “flood free,” although that was not meant to be as the city flooded again in July 1977, again causing massive damage and requiring financial support from the state. In this case, the flood tax worked, but it has been one of the few times since enacted that financial support was needed. In March, State Representative Michael Sturla proposed an amendment to rename the tax the “Tom Corbett Liquor Privatization Tax” as part of an ongoing debate to privatize the state’s liquor control board and allow for more privately owned liquor stores to open. Currently, the powerful liquor control board has a virtual monopoly on all sales of booze in the state. THE 411 Name: The Johnstown Flood Tax What: 18% tax on liquor purchased in the state Where does the money...
Why Pennsylvania Residents and Visitors are Still Paying Tax on a 77 Year Old Flood [Kicking Back with Jersey Joe]...
posted by Jersey Joe
He’s Hardrock, He’s Coco, I’m Joe! – Stop Motion Christmas TV Classics [Kicking Back with Jersey Joe]...
posted by Jersey Joe
Ask anyone that grew up in Chicago or Western Pennsylvania about Hardrock, Coco and Joe and you’ll instantly bring a smile to their face. Three black and white Christmas stop motion classics have been airing on television stations since the 1950’s. They still delight kids of all ages to this day. Suzy Snowflake, Frosty the Snowman, and Hardrock, Coco, and Joe: The Three Little Dwarfs are two minute and 45 second short films that were broadcast on only two television stations in the US, WGN-TV in Chicago and WJAC-TV, the NBC affiliate in Johnstown, PA. Originally produced in the early 1950’s, these short films aired annually as part of children’s programming to get the little ones fire up for the Christmas season. These classics were seen by so many families over the years, they have become a holiday season tradition that even adults now look forward to. As the kids grew into adults, and children’s programming dwindled, their airing would no longer be restricted to just kids. On WJAC, they can be seen airing all over the programming schedule from prime time to Saturday Night Live to Channel 6 News 11 at 11. Growing up in Western Pennsylvania as I did, I would watch these over and over every year on WJAC. My grandmother still stops and pause for a moment to check them out, while she’s flipping through the channels. While the stop motion is very low budget and crude by today’s standards, those who grew up with these shorts have a special place for them in their heart. Seeing these as a kid, I knew Christmas is here! Thousands of viewers have checked them out on Youtube. Let’s take a look at each and uncover some little known facts! HARDROCK, COCO, AND JOE: THE THREE LITTLE DWARFS...