Sexy-Time Travel: Make the most out of this President’s Day Weekend [Gal About Town: Fashion and Travel at Your Fingertips]...

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I hope by now you’ve all bought and wrapped presents, and showered your love one with affection. No? Well, don’t despair! With internet access, a little research, and a trip to Target, you can surprise your loved one with an amazing 3-day “Love-cation”. It’s not too late to find great deals at hotels nearby where you can spoil your love with pampering and attention. Every year my husband and I forgo giving each other gifts and instead plan a fun getaway to somewhere new over President’s Day weekend. It proves to be a great mini-vacation where we can reconnect and leave the rat race behind for a few days. It truly gives more to our relationship than any tangible gift could. Step 1: Make arrangements: Make sure your partner indeed has a three-day weekend. Call their boss or coworker to double check, and make sure they stay hush hush! Have kids? Call the relative that lives closest to you and ask them to take the little ones for the weekend. If this isn’t an option, don’t fret, many hotels have adjoining rooms or family suites, where you don’t have to share the same bedroom, but are still connected.  If you live in driving (or quick flight) distance to a foreign country, check your passports, because going to a foreign country is much more romantic sounding than hopping over to the next town. Step 2: Get online! Check out online travel sites like:,, or the hotel you have a priority membership with. For local hotels, also, check your newspaper’s travel website, they’re sure to have great deals on local travel/hotels.  If you need a flight and rental car, try using your frequent flier credit card to book both that...